Member Benefits
The Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce recognizes that the value of membership is different for everyone and in order to achieve the most value to all members, we provide a wide variety of specialized services and products. Through business and membership relationships that the Chamber operates as and invests in, we are delighted to provide and share these benefits to help our business members reach their organizational goals.
As a Chamber member, you can enjoy various benefits, including:
- Networking opportunities with business leaders, government officials, and decision-makers at local and national events.
- Increased visibility through our Online Directory and annual Membership Guide and Business Directory (print).
- Brand building by showcasing your knowledge and expertise through speaking engagements, Chamber Connection eNewsletter articles, sponsorships, advertising opportunities, and more.
Advocacy & Policy
Gain a unified voice for business- friendly legislation at all government levels. Network with local elected officials at receptions and events. Our membership in provincial and national Chamber organizations offers lobbying resources and strength for good government and a thriving economic business community. Local issues are addressed with your needs in mind. For additional details, visit the Advocacy menu tab.
Networking & Events
Monthly networking events are held at many locations throughout West Winnipeg and over Zoom - an online platform. At every networking event, you will be connecting with other local businesses and potential customers. Typically our in-person events see anywhere from 15 to 45 attendees; a nice, quaint group that allows for dedicated connections.
Online Event Calendar
Click here to explore all upcoming Chamber and Community events. If your business is commemorating a milestone or hosting an event like a sale, meeting, or anniversary, we invite you to post it on our calendar. We promote the calendar on our social media platforms and newsletters, offering this service for free* to the entire community. (*For an upgraded event promotion with a logo and images, ACC members = complimentary, for non-members = a $50 fee applies.)
Marketing Your Business
Helping you spread the word … that’s what we do! Advertising via one of our communications (social media, Chamber Connection eNewsletter, website, Chamber TV) is a great way to raise your visibility.
Chamber TV
The Assiniboia Chamber office benefits from an excellent walk-by traffic location, situated across the bridge to Assiniboine Park and next to Sargent Sundae on Portage Avenune. We enhance the experience with a 50" TV in our front widow, attracting people passing by ( often enjoying their ice cream) who can view captivating marketing loops. These loops feature Chamber News, Events ( Chamber and Community), Member News, Advertisements, Quotes, and more.
Literature Displays
Thanks to our prime office location (across the Portage Avenue bridge entrance to Assiniboine Park), we enjoy a high volume of foot traffic. People often visit us to ask questions, collect promotional materials, attraction flyers, and to watch our Chamber TV. We take delight in engaging with the public and promoting our members. Our office proudly displays member flyers and business cards, readily available for us to distribute to our visitors.
Social Media Advertising
Our Chamber is active on a variety of social media platforms. Follow us to find out what we are up to!
Is your business on social media? Let us know your handle so we can follow you and share, like and retweet your events, promos and information about your business. Sharing your posts means more views for you and your business.
Website Listing and Advertising
As a Chamber member, your business information is automatically added to our website. Want to step it up a notch? We encourage you to take advantage of our hands-on site to add a link to your website, map and photos to maximize your company’s listing. You can also post your Public Offers & Discounts and add upcoming events in our online calendar. With your member login, changes are just a click away!
Chamber Membership Services
Proudly display your certificate to let patrons know you are a member of the Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce. Also, affix your Chamber decal on your business window. We will also send you a .jpg of our member logo to add to your website and social media sites.
Boardroom/Meeting Space
Looking for space to hold your next meeting or seminar? Give us a call (204) 774-4154 to book our boardroom and upstairs dining/classroom area. Free for members, small fee for non-members. For more information click here>>
Zoom Share
The ACC purchased the Pro version of Zoom and wants to share it with you at no charge! If you need to host an online meeting that is longer than 40 minutes, to record your meeting, or to ask your attendees questions using a polling feature, then the Pro version of Zoom is available for you to use.
Member Information Centre (MIC)
The MIC is an internal website just for members. You can view and edit company information, which automatically updates the Chamber Online Directory. Plus, download the free mobile MIC app for on-the-go access. Login today!
Ribbon Cuttings
Whether you are celebrating the opening of a new business, anniversary, or the expansion/relocation of an existing business in West Winnipeg or surrounding area, we are excited for your success. Promoting the event, inviting the Chamber Board and local government officials, and so much more is what the Chamber offers to help you mark this momentous occasion. For more information click here>>
The Connection eNewsletter (monthly, public)
A monthly e-newsletter that is distributed to Chamber members and the community at large.
Savings and Discounts
Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan
Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan is Canada’s largest group benefit program for small business, serving over 30,000 firms. As a Chamber member, you can use Chambers Plan to protect yourself and your employees with comprehensive group benefits including dental and health insurance. For more information, click here.
Public Offers & Discounts
Members have the ability to share a special rate to fellow Chamber members and the community at large by providing an online offer and discount that we will promote through our website, The Connection eNewsletter, and social media sites. View current offers and discounts here
Member To Member (M2M) Deals (Members Only)
As a member of the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, our Chamber can pass some remarkable savings onto our members. Our Chamber has also created affinity partnerships for our own members' benefits as well. Check them out here.
Chamber Events
Community Events